The West Wing

Building the west wing brought new challenges. These walls have windows in them. I originally ordered a part that has almost the exact design of the temple window coverings but learned quickly they wouldn't work. They were too large and they only came in black (I needed more of a tan color).

After playing with several different options, I decided to turn the 1x2x1 2/3 (wall) bricks around and use a 1x2 radiator grille for the window coverings. They do pretty well even though they don't match the temple's design. I made crisscross designs with them to give the windows some variety. On the west walls of the west wing (as opposed to the walls facing the courtyard) I was able to match the temple's window cover design by keeping the lines of the radiator grilles vertical. 

The plates used for the roof weren't strong enough to hold up on their own so I made internal supports to snap the plates onto.

A funny note - the exterior doors for the chapel and cafeteria are pretty obvious since they face the courtyard but what I didn't know was there is another door on the north side of the chapel. I was watching a video on YouTube and caught a glimpse of it. Unfortunately, I noticed this after I had already built the chapel section, so I had to tear it down and build the door into that back wall. 

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Why the Los Angeles Temple